Low Tide, paper, acrylic on mdf, each square is 4 x 4 inches, dimensions variable

Low Tide, paper, acrylic on mdf, each square is 4 x 4 inches, dimensions variable

Low Tide, paper, acrylic on mdf, each square is 4 x 4 inches, dimensions variable

I am interested in the use of patterns in nature. Fractals, spirals, Fibonacci sequences, and asymmetry these patterns create ripples in the world. My visual imagery stems from the natural world, and I look at how patterns parallel the idea of balance. Through the use of patterns, I try to create a balance. Balance creates order in an unorderly world. Through installed environments or objects, my work is a way to explore the interconnections of the natural world through paper. I am interested in the inner dance between physical materials and light cast upon the work. I work with collage materials ranging from acetates, mylar, acrylics, and paper. Relying heavily on paper, I integrate characteristics of patterns in nature to create this dance. Paper embodies the dualities and qualities of how nature is viewed. For instance, it carries characteristics that are set to contradict itself. Where there is structure, there is also softness; where there is strength, fragility is present too. The qualities of paper and the qualities and quantity of light expose the anomalies and oppositions found in nature. The quality of light cast on the work helps the viewers understand their personal metaphors for darkness and shadows and vivid light.