(Left to Right) The Huntress, The Mother, The Warrior, The Caregiver, The Trickster

The Caregiver

The Trickster Detail Shot

The Mother Detail Shot

The Mother Detail Shot

The Warrior: Temporal Threads

Sifting Through Serendipity's Threads

Sifting Through Serendipity's Threads

Sifting Through Serendipity's Threads

Sifting Through Serendipity's Threads

Sifting Through Serendipity's Threads

Sifting Through Serendipity's Threads

Tales on Tap(Root)

Tales on Tap(Root)

Tales on Tap(Root)

Tales on Tap(Root)

This project was made possible through funding from the Florence Regional Arts Alliance Individual Artist Mini-Grant, which is funded by Honda™.

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